Location: SW11 5AU ● Completion: Q4 2024 ● Architect: Boehm Lynas ● Availability: Contact

Located at 105 Culvert Road in Battersea, the existing site provides 128 micro-units, totalling 22,000 sqft, a mixture of storage and small workshop units.
Following acquisition in June 2022, Avanton has secured planning for the redevelopment of Industrial complex Culvert Court. The project will deliver larger purpose-built industrial units to maximise available space and efficiency on site for tenants. The new site will provide 36,500 sqft. of multilevel logistics for Class E and B8 use. There will be three modern industrial buildings, with unit sizes ranging from 2,150 sqft to 5,860 sqft located over ground, first and second floors. Building One offers a total of 13,340 sqft. The multi-storey accommodation will offer flexibility to adapt the spaces as required by an occupant.
To find out more info contact info@avanton.co.uk